their predecessor, FisArt, was around for a long time and had a small
factory just up from the main gate into the Old City (Castlefidardo)
past the old Bompezzo shop and just below ItaliaCinte (Strapmakers)
FisArt made few accordions under their brand name, as most of their
business was providing a sort of "barebones" product to other
manufacturers/brands who lacked that depth of production
a younger part of the family re-invigorated the company awhile back,
and began marketing their own brand (Vignoni) historically speaking, they
would have the technical "chops" of several generations who managed to
stay in business one way or another - this suggests they have a clue.
There is also something suggesting they do have an arrangement with Pigini,
which makes sense as there are precious few sources for
Convertor bass mechanicals. Have you priced new Pigini's for comparison?
Specifically, Russ, you are feeling kind of "hot" for this specific
accordion, but bear in mind a LMM setup will NOT give you a truly
satisfying Meusette... other professionals i have known, who also
play Chromatic, and who compromised with a new 3 reed treble, were
ultimately dis-satisfied, and lost money selling them off.
There are some styles and specific uses that a NEW 3 reed can satisfy,
but in terms of re-sale naturally will lose value faster, so you better
be sure.
in My Humble Opinion, there isn't a 3 reed treble accordion built today
in the WORLD worth that kind of premium price (over $5000) when there
are tons of professional 4 reed models out there in the same price point.
Smaller, lighter, specific (and limited) usage/purpose accordions are
cool to have, but you have to get them at a justifiable cost because
to equal the versatility of the LMMM box, you need to own 2 smaller ones...
an LMM and an MMM