Post by k***@home.comIke, I've been asking this question--in general, i.e., not limited to
Binci--for 30 years.
I'm convinced that no one but an expert can really tell the difference
between the two upper grades of "hand finished" and "hand made". And then
where does the line get drawn between those two fuzzy distinctions?
Shouldn't you be digging the ore, smelting it, tempering the steel, etc,
etc. etc. for 'hand made"?
While the Voci Armoniche chart is good, in the absence of having studying
the various reeds side by side, it remains difficult to tell. And the reed
manufacturers have become expert at faking "hand made". If you read all the
ad copy from the various manufacturer to this day, they all advertise "hand
made" in their better accordions, even though it is well known that truly
hand made reeds are all but extinct.
A handful of independent reed finishers who start with raw product from
salpa or whomever finish them so carefully that one might call them hand
Julio Guilietti once told me that there were very few (three if memory
serves) actual reed factories in italy. Everybody was just buying the reeds
and hand finishing them, but somehow they became "a mano" by the time they
got into the accordions and through the sales department.
There was one reed finisher who stamped his reeds "carloni" who clearly was
extensively hand finishing them because you could see a convex shape filed
on the reed tongue--a rare and painstaking effort. Outstanding response and
On the other hand, I've got a 1923 colombo that was made in san francisco,
and the reeds are very obviously "hand made" but the sound isn't so great
I'm going to order a set sometime from, who produce electro erosive reeds
gapped to extraordinary critical tolerances. I'll bet they sound as good as
any hand made reeds.
Meanwhile I'll believe Frank R when he sells me the "hand made" Binci's.
Or that my stradovox eldorado with the "Magnatera" reeds in it are the "best
ever hand made reeds".
I think you've hit the nail on the head, or is it the reed on the
rivet, here as - just like with the complete instrument - what is the
real definition of hand made?
Looking from one point of view, no reeds are hand made these days as
there is always a machine involved; while from the other point of view
all reeds are hand made as they involve a human hand at some stage.
There is a lot lost in the translation from Italien into the english
"hand finished" and "hand made" and what that ends up as in sales
brochures... but that's a whole other subject!
In my classes a hand made reed was defined as one where the reed tongue
has been cut from a strip of steel rather than stamped out of a sheet.
It should of course be fitted to a suitably superior reed plate, but
that wasn't so clearly defined. This can usually be identified simply
by the equally wide rivet-end of the reed for different sized reed
tongues, and the blue edge to wide end (as it's not been cut/stamped at
all at the rivet end). This was, though, some years ago and such a
simple identification might not work so well now as I'm sure there's
someone out there busily perfecting a metallic paint to put on the ends
of their cheaper reeds!
For the rest it comes down to just looking at reeds and deciding from
experience what it is. There are usuallly tell-tale signs in the way
the reed has been worked to tune it, but even that can no always tell
the truth. You could also say who cares, as long as it works the way I
want it to, plays well, can be tuned accurately and sounds good. So in
the end identifying reed quality is just like choosing the best wine!
On the Czech reeds - I use them (as well as others) and like them. They
are much improved since the old days when they were looked on as poor
relations in the reed making world. They have reeds of all qualities
available and I have tried them all. My own feeling is that the
"Professional" quality (aka Tipo-A-Mano) are the best value for money.
They are hard to tell apart from the A-Mano and significantly lower