Gabbanelli Accordions
(too old to reply)
Mary Gabbanelli
2004-08-19 00:38:45 UTC
Dear Sirs:

I appreciate your interest in discussing Gabbanelli Accordion history
in some messages I read from December and early January. I would like
to inform you of the truth since I am a Gabbanelli, the youngest
daughter, and have witnessed first hand.

First, it may suprise you to know that Gabbanelli Accordions are still
completely hand made instruments.
It is true that SEM factory no longer makes Gabbanelli Accordions.
In fact, SEM closed their doors because the workers, tools, and
technology transferred from them to the new and (still family owned
Gabbanelli factory) International Music Company, where Gabbanelli
Accordions and Piermaria accordions are made today.
SEM no longer retains the previous workers that made the accordions,
instead, these workers have directed their loyalty to Gabbanelli
Accordions and hand makes them to this day in International Music

More specifically, Steve Music Shop and Ventura have an interesting
way at looking at the history of Gabbanelli and have obviously put
alot of work into research. Nonetheless, please keep these important
facts straight.
Gabbanelli Accordions mean integrity, we have not gone to China to
make our accordions or to use their accessories like many of our
counterparts have. We have always remained a small family business
and incorporate quality as a main goal: family business, excellent
parts, hand made, reputation, and integrity.

Thank you for your ideas and I encourage you to email me if you have
questions about our history or anything at all ***@stthom.edu or

Mary Ann Gabbanelli
Gabbanelli Accordions
International Music Company
2004-08-21 13:50:45 UTC
Post by Mary Gabbanelli
First, it may suprise you to know that Gabbanelli Accordions are still
completely hand made instruments.
Post by Mary Gabbanelli
It is true that SEM factory no longer makes Gabbanelli Accordions.
In fact, SEM closed their doors because the workers, tools, and
technology transferred from them to the new and (still family owned
Gabbanelli factory) International Music Company, where Gabbanelli
Accordions and Piermaria accordions are made today.
is this a new factory? did you set up from scratch?
or did you buy out one of the older smaller factories?
Where is it physically located? (address)
I will visit and review if you like
Post by Mary Gabbanelli
SEM no longer retains the previous workers that made the accordions,
instead, these workers have directed their loyalty to Gabbanelli
ok, then where does Menghini fit into this? i mean, obviously
neither one of you could absorb 100% of the old SEM... so did
they get the plastic injectors or did you? and don't you think
going to painted shells will affect your sound? Where are the
mechanical components sourced from now? (keys and actions)

i mean, OK, things can't stay static in this industry but the
loss of the only other soup-to-nuts manufacturing facility
for Accordions in Italy is proably a loss that will never
be fully recovered by italian Industry. So there are going
to be differences in your new Gabbanelli's compared to the
old... there is simply no way you can avoid it.

i would love you to, in detail, as time goes on show the
world that your Family is going to continue to build a
quality line and not deteriorate into one of the fake
companies who bleed a good name to death (like poor
Paolo... what a sorry sorry sad thing to see how the
old masters have been so disrespected)

so thank you Mary for having the heart to speak on behalf of your
Family here in Public. I hope we hear more from you.


Post by Mary Gabbanelli
Thank you for your ideas and I encourage you to email me if you have
Mary Ann Gabbanelli
Gabbanelli Accordions
International Music Company